Archive | October 2018

Halloween Sale! 10 ebooks for $10! Today only!


Happy Halloween! ALL TREATS! NO TRICKS! For TODAY ONLY – October 31st – you can pick up 10 of my ebooks for only $10.00! Better than candy! #GayRomance

★ PDF:

BookQuoteWednesday! #BookQW


It’s BookQuoteWednesday! #BookQW This week’s word was “LIGHT”. Check out Connor and Shawn’s most personal mission yet in Dying Soldier! #GayRomanticSuspense


★ BLURB: Serving with the elite anti-terrorism task force known as Shadow Unit, Sergeants Connor Finley and Shawn Weller have faced arms dealers, drug lords, terrorists, rogue CIA agents and biological weapons. But with the unconditional support of their team, and more importantly, their love for one another, they possess the strength to survive any challenge.

But how do you fight an enemy you can’t see? When a mission in Sierra Leone takes an unexpected turn, Connor and Shawn find themselves under quarantine and in isolation, their lives hanging in the balance between life and death. This time, their team is on the outside, looking in. Have Connor and Shawn finally found themselves in a battle they cannot win?

Can be read as a standalone!

BONUS! Includes the holiday short story How To Love Christmas Again

Indie Author Day at Schaumburg library

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Nice little write-up in the Chicago Tribune on Indie Author Day at the Schaumburg library tomorrow. I’m excited to be taking part and I hope to see my Chicago-area peeps there! I’ll have books and swag and candy and free hugs! Come see me from 11 am til 1 pm!

Come Meet Me this Saturday!

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To my Chicagoland friends – I’ll be at the Schaumburg library this Saturday, October 13th, from 11 am to 1 pm at their Indie Author Day!

I’ll have books to purchase and sign, plus swag to give away and CANDY! Not to mention free hugs.

Hope to see you there!

Looking for a little help

John and therapy dogs

I normally keep my blog here for information about my writing, but today I’m writing about something very personal, and hoping that some of you might be able to help…

I truly wish I didn’t have to do this, because I feel like a failure in struggling to provide for my husband, but the time has come to ask for help. The medical bills we faced for John this year after his sudden leg amputation and heart and vision issues have been staggering, even with insurance. There’s still so much financially in regards to his care that is not covered and John has still not been approved for disability benefits. In January, our out-of-pocket insurance premiums will start all over again and I’m still paying bills for this year. I’m hoping to raise $2,000 which will cover our maximum out-of-pocket costs for all of 2019. Knowing I at least have the premiums paid for will be a huge burden lifted and I can concentrate on the other expenses John will need for his ongoing care. If by some miracle we raise more than $2,000 the rest will be put toward a motorized wheelchair for him, which will make it so much easier for him to get around when we want to be out for a longer period of time.

I can’t thank all of you enough for your tremendous outpouring of love and support for John this past year. It’s meant the world to both of us!

GoFundMe: John Miller Medical Support Fund

Barb and John anniversary 2018


BookQuoteWednesday! #BookQW


It’s BookQuoteWednesday! #BookQW This week’s word is “DAY”. Are M/M amnesia stories your thing? Then check out Mitch and Joey’s struggle in my NEW RELEASE Memory’s Prisoner! #GayRomance


★★ BLURB: Detectives Mitchell Reid and Joseph Valentino of the Chicago Police Department have finally moved from friends to lovers, partners on the job and off. Their new-found happiness is short-lived, however, when an escaped felon with a thirst for revenge shatters their world. The police tactical raid to recapture the convict goes horribly wrong, leaving Mitch severely wounded and Joey with a devastating head injury that plunges him into a long-term coma.

Two years later, Joey awakens with partial amnesia, which has erased a year of his life, including the knowledge that he and Mitch are lovers. Unwilling to force Joey back into a relationship if his feelings for him were no longer there, Mitch can only suffer in silence as he supports Joey on his long road to recovery, hoping he will remember the love they once shared.

NOTE: This is a second edition of a previously published book that has been re-edited, revised and expanded by 10,000 words.

BookQuoteWednesday! #BookQW


It’s BookQuoteWednesday! #BookQW This week’s word was “LONG”. Are sexy men in uniform your thing? Then check out Connor and Shawn in Broken Soldier! #GayRomanticSuspense


★ BLURB: Sergeants Connor Finley and Shawn Weller are dedicated soldiers working covert ops for Shadow Unit — a joint UK/US anti-terrorism task force. Partners in the field and out, they had been through hell together for the last four years and made it through standing side by side. But when their latest undercover op to bring down an arms dealer plunges them into a world of drugs, sex and violence, Shawn must literally get in bed with the enemy in order to complete the mission. And Connor is forced to watch, helpless, as his partner is broken into pieces.

Will love be enough to put them both back together or will this be their final mission?

WARNING: Contains scenes of drug use, graphic sex and realistic situations

(2016 Rainbow Award Runner-Up)

Don’t miss Connor and Shawn’s next missions in Rogue Soldier, Hunted Soldier and Dying Soldier! Available now!

Another 4 STAR review for Memory’s Prisoner!

Memory's Prisoner SECOND cover FINAL

Another ★ 4 STAR ★ review for Memory’s Prisoner! Thank you Amy Dufera! “Memory’s Prisoner is done perfectly. We smile, we cry, and we feel our hearts mending in the end. ” #GayRomance



★ BLURB: Detectives Mitchell Reid and Joseph Valentino of the Chicago Police Department have finally moved from friends to lovers, partners on the job and off. Their new-found happiness is short-lived, however, when an escaped felon with a thirst for revenge shatters their world. The police tactical raid to recapture the convict goes horribly wrong, leaving Mitch severely wounded and Joey with a devastating head injury that plunges him into a long-term coma.

Two years later, Joey awakens with partial amnesia, which has erased a year of his life, including the knowledge that he and Mitch are lovers. Unwilling to force Joey back into a relationship if his feelings for him were no longer there, Mitch can only suffer in silence as he supports Joey on his long road to recovery, hoping he will remember the love they once shared.

NOTE: This is a second edition of a previously published book that has been re-edited, revised and expanded by 10,000 words.